Sunday, May 10, 2015

Blasphemy versus insult in Islam

"Ibn Rushd" wrote me this from Paris: "The reason I'm asking is because a french writer I respect wrote that arabic does not have the word blasphemy and uses the word insult instead

"Rappelons à ceux qui l’ignorent que le mot blasphème n’a pas d’équivalent en arabe, c'est le terme « injure » qui en tient lieu"

How would you translate it ? تجديف or ازدراء الدين or كفر

Which one is the closest to blasphemy in the sense of Charlie cartoons ?"
I wrote him in response: "He is right: it is a Christian word and has a Christian context. And even Tajdif: it is general: it is mentioned I the Hadith but in a different context:  (Don't denigrade [God's] blessing)
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