Monday, March 14, 2005

Find Me a Homeland? I want a homeland with no flags and no national anthems. I want a homeland that has open borders, and requires no entry visas. I want a homeland that does not have maids, and has no "dirty jobs." I want a homeland that does not hate others to feel better about itself. I want a homeland where people do not think that they are better than their neighbors. I want a homeland where people do not mock regional accents. I want a homeland where clerics (of all religions) are assigned more useful jobs. I want a homeland where people demand higher taxes to help others in need. I want a homeland that spends more on arts and public libraries, and nothing on defense. I want a homeland where the most admired are poor and nameless. I want a homeland where men do not call women bad names to stroke their silly "manhoods". I want a homeland with no presidents. I want a homeland that cares more about social justice than about whether this rich person or that rich person made it to that public office. I want a homeland where Larry King is not allowed near a TV station. I want a homeland where charity is more important than wealth, and courage is not defined by traditional standards. I want a homeland where cedars are considered just...trees. Mere trees. I want a homeland where opposition to war is appreciated more than wars. I want a homeland that does not preach, and does not submit to Empire out of fear. Oh, and I would like Milka chocolate (they are hard to find in the US).