Thursday, November 08, 2012

The Penn Arab Zionist Student Society

After issuing a Fatwa against elections, they seem to have reversed their position days after I posted on it.  Here is the new Fatwa from that discredit body:

"After much consideration, the board has agreed that it would be better to keep the election system this year because we think that in the future, if we do decide to make such a shift, we should get the approval of the majority of all PASS members, not just the majority of the board members, in order to ensure that we are all on the same page. Accordingly, all board positions, as usual, will open up for elections, including President and VP, although for the latter two positions current board members will likely have priority as they have a better idea how PASS operates.

This does not change the fact that those of you who are interested in getting more involved have to have submitted the application 24 hours before elections at the latest (the week after Thanksgiving break). Seniors graduating in May 2013 cannot run as board positions will be for the entire 2013 year. Also, students applying should preferably have the intention of remaining at Penn for both semesters (no study abroad)."
PS I am told that the Penn Arab Student Society, after co-sponsoring an event with Friends of Israel aggression club, has received offers of funding from Zionist groups in the US.