Thursday, February 03, 2011

Marwan Mu`ashshir

I watched Marwan Mu`ashshir on Al-Arabiyyah TV.  He annoyed the hell out of me.  When I was in DC back in 1993, a dear friend worked under him in the Jordanian Information Office there.  So she insisted that I should meet him, but I knew that given his job I would dislike him intensely.  I obliged because I liked the friend, and we met: within minutes it was clear that I could not stand him and he could not stand me.  And that was it.  1) the hypocrite who never dared say a word of criticisms against Bush during his presidency, is now suddenly critical of Bush.  Of course, he praises Obama.  2) He commented on comments by Iranian foreign minister by saying: the Iranian foreign minister is in no position to give lectures about democracy.  I do agree that the Iranian foreign minister is in no position to give lectures about democracy but neither is the Jordanian foreign minister: the current one or a former one.  Who did he think he served?  The Swedish parliament?  You were serving under the King of Jordan.  Check your post assignment.  3) I loved also that he said that the king was disappointed because the cabinet did not push political reforms.  As if the cabinet can dare do anything without the order from the king.  This is why so-called Arab liberals are not taken seriously by anyone in the Arab world.  They serve under autocratic kings and princes and want to talk to me about liberalism.  Go fly a kite.