Thursday, June 11, 2009

Samy Gemayyel's adviser: Christian Cantonism

"From a Lebanese Christian perspective, this issue of voting patterns is more acute. Only once before did a sizable number of Christians engage in regional adventurism that trespassed Lebanese territory, and when they did, during the short-lived marriage of convenience with the Israelis during some phases of the 1975-1990 Lebanese civil war, it was to defend Lebanon’s independence and assure their community’s survival and continuity. But those were stateless times. Today, after the Lebanese polity began to slowly reemerge after the subsequent withdrawal of the Israelis and Syrians in 2000 and 2005 respectively, such regional adventurism is no longer valid. Rather than a loose memorandum of understanding protecting some at the expense of others, a more viable guarantee for all Lebanese would be a constitutionally advanced federal formula offering a middle ground between communal disenchantment and a breakaway autonomy. "" (thanks A.)