Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Monday, November 28, 2005
PS: To discredit Husam, Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat could not find anything to attack him on except his...class and profession. They called him mockingly, the "barber of Beirut" because he worked as a barber. When you think about it, it is not very flattering to the Lebanese, or many of them, that a family (the Hariri family) was able to buy 70% or more of an entire homeland. And what a homeland?
Sunday, November 27, 2005

Palestinian school kids breaking through an Israeli occupation checkpoint to go to their school. Later, the US Congress will declare the checkpoint a monument to global education.

"Indeed, citing the need to combat terrorism, the administration has argued, with varying degrees of success, that judges should have essentially no role in reviewing its decisions. The change in Mr. Padilla's status, just days before the government's legal papers were due in his appeal to the Supreme Court, suggested to many legal observers that the administration wanted to keep the court out of the case. "The position of the executive branch," said Eric M. Freedman, a law professor at Hofstra University who has consulted with lawyers for several detainees, "is that it can be judge, jury and executioner.""
I love you Lebanon; O, my homeland, I love you
In your north, in your south, and in your sun I love you.." Enjoy.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
PS Here Clovis (in his article in An-Nahar) makes references to those who think that the Arab league Iraq initiative was nothing but a US desperate attempt. Clovis heard me attack the Arab League and `Amr Musa last week. But after my talk, he told me that he refused Musa's invitation to him to get involved in it.
"Agreement on Movement and Access" & "Agreed Principles for Rafah Crossing"
Negotiators from Israel and the Palestinian Authority November 15 achieved
an agreement on facilitating the movement of people and goods within the
Palestinian Territories and on opening an international crossing on the
Gaza-Egypt border that will put the Palestinians in control of the entry and
exit of people. [Notice the last sentence; giving the false impression that the Palestinians will be in control, when the very articles of this agreement make it clear that the Palestinians are not in control.] The passages will operate continuously. On an urgent basis, Israel will permit the export of all agricultural products from Gaza during this 2005 harvest season. [Notice that the simple export of agricultural products is done on "an urgent basis" and is portrayed as a great gift from Israel, while it may not last as the language implies.] It is understood that security is a prime and continuing concern for Israel and that appropriate arrangements to ensure security will be adopted. [Notice that the term of reference is as always Israel. And notice that only the expensive people of Israel are entitled to security, while the Palestinians continue to be shot at as pigeons by Israeli occupation forces.] Consistent with Israel's security needs, to facilitate movement of people and goods within the West Bank and to minimize disruption to Palestinian lives, the ongoing work between Israel and the U.S. to establish an agreed list of obstacles to movement and develop a plan to reduce them to the maximum extent possible will be accelerated so that the work can be completed by December 31. [Here, another references to Israel's security "needs." Notice that they are needs. When they are needs, they become non-negotiable and the other side can only comply with the requests regarding those "needs." Unfortunately, Palestinian negotiators, in a process that is doomed and that should not be supported, do not even show understanding of the traps of the process and of the results and agreement. Notice also, that the agreement here speaks of "reducing" the obstacles and not removing them altogether. And how can you "minimize disruption to Palestinian lives" while maintaining some obstacles to movement of Palestinians" These are as incompatible as goals as the terms of the Balfour Declaration are] The parties agree on the importance of the airport. Discussions will continue on the issues of security arrangements, construction, and operation. [Dont you love this article? This is typical of the general and vague promises that Israel with US support gives to Palestinians and regularly breaks. And notice that the incompetent and morally bankrupt Palestinian negotiating team--it must have included Sa'ib `Urayqat--did not even bother to ask for a deadline and for a specific commitment.] Rafah will be operated by the Palestinian Authority on its side, and Egypt on its side, according to international standards, in accordance with Palestinian law and subject to the terms of this agreement. [You have to like this one. Basically, it is saying that this agreement, legally speaking, will supersede Egyptian and Palestinian laws.] Use of the Rafah crossing will be restricted to Palestinian ID card holders and others by exception in agreed categories with prior notification to the GoI[srael] and approval of senior PA leadership. [Here, you see the exact nature of this agreement. This is a legal agreement that would juridically establish Gaza as a jail run and managed by Israel, although some Palestinian guards will be assigned roles by the occupier. How could this be called, as some ill-informed media have done, "control by Palestinians". Even Arab media are talking about "Palestinian control" of Gaza entry points. This is not control when you have to clear names by submitting them to the Government of Israel. Imagine if the US is forced to notify and seek approval of the government of Mexico for the admission of visitors into the US. And don't you like the "agreed categories" that are not even defined? Who are those Palestinian negotiators? Now, it is not only the entire process that is flawed--to be nice about it--but the procedures of the flawed process are equally flawed too. And the Government of Israel has to be notified in advance. And who are "the senior PA leadership"? This must be a references to the guards and puppets of occupation, i.e. Abbas and Dahlan.] The PA will notify the GoI 48 hours in advance of the crossing of a person in the excepted categories-diplomats, foreign investors, foreign representatives of recognized international organizations and humanitarian cases. [Again, this advance notification violates the very principle of "full control" by Palestinians that is being falsely promoted by the media. And notice that even the "humanitarian cases" have to obtain the 48 hours in advance notice. So somebody who is bleeding, or somebody returning to attend a funeral--and they are numerous under Zionism--will have to wait for 48 hours to obtain approval, or rejection, from the Government of Israel.] The GoI will respond within 24 hours with any objections and will include the reasons for the objections. [Here the Government of Israel is being nice, don't you think? Israel is willing--the kindness of the Government of Israel--WILLING, to "include reasons for the objections." What do you say to that? Is this not a merciful occupation? Let me guess the objections. Would it possibly be accusations of...TERRORISM which Israel so casually affixes to any Palestinian?] The 3rd party will evaluate the capacity of the PA to inspect cars according to these criteria and to international standards. Once the PA develops the capacity to inspect cars to the satisfaction of the 3rd party, cars will be allowed to pass through Rafah. Until that time, cars will pass through on an exceptional basis, subject to specifications agreed in the security protocol. [Whenever I see the 3rd party, I think about the way Lebanonese nationalists and Hariri functionaries use the term "international legitimacy" which in effect only means the US, even if it may be through UN or EU representatives. But this also reminds one of colonial times, and the need for the colonizers to train the colonized.] Until Rafah is operational, the PA will open Rafah crossing on an ad hoc basis for religious pilgrims, medical patients, and others, in coordination with General Gilad's office on the Israeli side. [Notice that Israeli involvement takes place at every level of this process.] Israel will provide the PA with all information needed to update the Palestinian population registry, including all information on Palestinian ID card holders who are currently outside the country. [Here, the colonizer is being kind, YET AGAIN, providing the guards and puppets of occupation with the crucial information that is needed for the perpetuation of occupation.] A liaison office, led by the 3rd party, will receive real-time video and data feed of the activities at Rafah and will meet regularly to review implementation of this agreement, resolve any disputes arising from this agreement, and perform other tasks specified in this agreement. [Notice the phrasing. It talks about a "liaison office led by the 3rd party" which can only mean that it will include Israeli representation even if they are "led by the 3rd party."] The PA will establish baggage limits for each passenger as part of the procedures. Limits will be the same as currently applied by the GoI; very frequent travellers (suitcase policy) to be agreed. [Not only will the Government of Israel be allowed to watch videos of every Palestinian entering the Gaza area, but the Government of occupation will even limit the luggage of Palestinians. Only a self-loathing "authority" that serves the interests of another authority, read foreign occupation, can agree to such terms.] The PA will provide the 3rd party a list of names of the workers at Rafah crossing which will be shared with the Israelis. The PA will take the
Israelis concerns into account. [Look at the language of occupier's laws: "The PA WILL TAKE THE ISRAELI CONCERNS INTO ACCOUNT." That is it. That says it all. They will have no choice no matter how these concerns are expressed. Israel has invaded, occupied, killed, and maimed in the name of its "security concerns."] On a case by case basis, the PA will consider information on persons of concern provided by the GoI. The PA will consult with the GoI and the 3rd party prior to the PA making a decision to prohibit travel or not. During this consultation, which will not take more than six hours, the person in question will not be permitted to cross. [This really explains the extent of Israeli control over every level of the process, and the extent to which the PA will only be serving at the pleasure of the occupier.]
Friday, November 25, 2005

Israeli occupation soldiers trying to explain to Palestinian children that Israel is "the only democracy in the Middle East."
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ever since the advent of Zionism, Israeli specialty has been to attack civilians and civilian targets. This is a bridge in South Lebanon that Israel bombed yesterday.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
When Baudrillard speaks, you...LISTEN.
"Are you saying that America represents the ideal of democracy?
No, the simulation of power.
At 76, you are still pushing your famous theory about "simulation" and the "simulacrum," which maintains that media images have become more convincing and real than reality.
All of our values are simulated. What is freedom? We have a choice between buying one car or buying another car? It's a simulation of freedom.
So you don't think that the U.S. invaded Iraq to spread freedom?
What we want is to put the rest of the world on the same level of masquerade and parody that we are on, to put the rest of the world into simulation, so all the world becomes total artifice and then we are all-powerful. It's a game.
When you say "we," who are you talking about? In your new book, "The Conspiracy of Art," you are pretty hard on this country.
France is a byproduct of American culture. We are all in this; we are globalized. When Jacques Chirac says, "No!" to Bush about the Iraq war, it's a delusion. It's to insist on the French as an exception, but there is no French exception.
Hardly. France chose not to send soldiers to Iraq, which has real meaning for countless individual soldiers, for their families and for the state.
Ah, yes. We are "against" the war because it is not our war. But in Algeria, it was the same. America didn't send soldiers when we fought the Algerian war. France and America are on the same side. There is only one side."