Thursday, December 10, 2015

When the UAE regime and Arab-American Institute work together to produce a convenient public opinion poll of Arab people

This is the most absurd public opinion survey that I have seen. It is as reliable as those poll that allegedly show that a substantial segment of American Muslims want Shari`ah law law (it was a small internet poll, mind you).  What do you say about a poll where the responds in UAE give either 98% or 99% or 100% support for the official position of the UAE government.  Hell, in Lebanon the results even fly against the sectarian and political divisions in the country. And they ask respondents to pin blames in the war on Yemen but in the question about GCC responsibility, they forgot to ask anyone in the GCC countries only for that question.  Basically, I will summarize the poll for you: 100% of all Arabs (or close to that number) believe that the sons of Zayid are gifts from God.