Saturday, December 12, 2015

FLASH: Is this new ISIS video a warning of an imminent major attack in Rome?

This is quite a spooky video by ISIS: 1) in their reference to a major prophetic vision of a conquest of Rome warns of an ISIS attack in Rome? 2) why were those convoys and training camps not attacked from the air? 3) the accent of the chants are unmistakably Gulf Arabic. 4) the chants are so horrific with calls for "destroy them and smash them" and promises of enslaving women.  5) let us face it: nothing retards a Muslim response to ISIS than the decade-old Gulf regime mobilization and agitation along sectarian lines, whereby the potential fighters against ISIS have been inculcated with the belief that the real danger comes from Shi`ites and `Alawites and not from kooks of ISIS and Al-Qa`idah.