Saturday, December 12, 2015

A man in my city spotted suspicious Muslims at a shooting range

Attention, please.  A man in my city of Modesto, California spotted suspicious Muslims at a shooting range. Here are the details:

"A Modesto resident said he was at the gun range at Manteca Sportsmen Inc. on Dec. 5 when he saw a group of seven or so “Muslims” firing rifles with ammunition clips far bigger than the 10-round capacity allowed under California law....Charles Cleveland said he was so upset, he left the facility. In the wake of the massacre at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, “just the idea of seeing Muslims shooting was shocking to me,” he said...Asked how he figured the people were Muslim, Cleveland said he based his determination on their clothing...“And Sheriff Adam Christianson said that while he’d rather the public err on the side of caution, an activity shouldn’t be considered suspicious based solely on the perception of someone’s race or faith.  If they’re dressed like Muslims dress and are out on range, so what?...There’s a good chance the group Cleveland saw at the Manteca shooting range was Sikh. An employee, who asked not to be identified, said he was not working at the time Cleveland was there Dec. 5, but a few weeks earlier, a Sikh wedding party visited the range."