New York Times does not bother to investigate the crimes of the US administration but it is devoting a whole lot of effort to find out if a comedian, who attacked Israel in one tweet, really stole a joke from another comedian: "So was this joke stolen?
It’s hard to say. Mr. Noah may have been telling it for many years, or the two comedians could have developed the idea independently. But when he was asked about such accusations in an interview in 2013, Mr. Noah did not make the case that two paths can lead to the same joke. “Nobody owns comedy,” he said. “Nobody owns a premise, nobody owns an idea.”"
It’s hard to say. Mr. Noah may have been telling it for many years, or the two comedians could have developed the idea independently. But when he was asked about such accusations in an interview in 2013, Mr. Noah did not make the case that two paths can lead to the same joke. “Nobody owns comedy,” he said. “Nobody owns a premise, nobody owns an idea.”"