Friday, August 15, 2014

Tahar ben Jelloun on Gaza

Tahar ben Jelloun's only reaction on Gaza is to denounce anti-Semitism.  Of course, I am not opposed to denouncing anti-Semitism, and I denounce anti-Semitism, but why to decie to denounce it as the civilians of Gaza are being butchered?  What is the link?  Have those Palestinian civilians committed crimes of anti-Semitism and thus deserved to be butchered?

 I asked "Ibn Rushd" in Paris to elaborate on Ben Jelloun's views on Israel and he said: 

"When he writes about Israel, he sounds like Amos Oz, like in this piece where he says that Israel needs to be saved from itself

Or here where he argues that right wingers are hurting Israel

15 years ago, he visited Israel to promote a little book he had written about racism

He also writes horrible orientalist pieces like this one about "the Porsche, the playboy and the burqa"

The rest of the time, he sucks up to the Makhzen, leftist Moroccans hate him.  He should have started with Gaza and proceeded with antisemitism but he doesn't have the guts, he never says anything that would alienate the French establishment.

He's one of those writers obsessed with what you can the white man's endorsement."