Friday, August 15, 2014

Israeli media

"Most Israelis get their news from rolling bulletins issued by correspondents quoting army spokesmen. Since the campaign began, Israeli broadcasts have been solidly upbeat. Specialists in Arab affairs report that the offensive is bringing Hamas to its knees. Former generals provide constant commentary, often describing Hamas in blood-curdling terms.  Few Israeli television anchors have drawn attention to the high death toll among Palestinian civilians. When Reshet Bet, a state radio station, interviewed one Palestinian who spoke fluent Hebrew, the presenter cut him off as he spoke of the toll on Gaza’s children. Israel’s broadcasting authority stopped B’Tselem, a human-rights group, from placing an advertisement calling for the names of Palestinian children killed in the attacks to be broadcast. “The [Israeli] channels only discuss tactics—whether to push on a few kilometres more, or dig in—rather than examine political ways out of conflict,” says Menachem Friedman, a former peace negotiator."