Writers in the barns of Saudi princes feign outrage at the practices of ISIS when ISIS is nothing but an offspring of the Saudi Kingdom of horrors. ISIS is teaching the Wahhabi textbook (that lousy book by Muhammad Ibn `Abdul-Wahab titled Risalat At-Tawhid) but the writers of Saudi princes in the West who are paid to beautify the image of the kingdom and to pretend that the Saudi media are opposed to fanaticism would not mention this.
"Human rights organization Amnesty International claimed the case brought against the men -- two pairs of brothers from the same extended family -- was based on false confessions obtained during torture. The London-based organization also noted an increase in the number of executions in Saudi Arabia, which it called "disturbing." The 17 executions over the past two weeks compares to 17 in the prior six months, and 79 in all of 2013."
"Human rights organization Amnesty International claimed the case brought against the men -- two pairs of brothers from the same extended family -- was based on false confessions obtained during torture. The London-based organization also noted an increase in the number of executions in Saudi Arabia, which it called "disturbing." The 17 executions over the past two weeks compares to 17 in the prior six months, and 79 in all of 2013."