Sunday, July 06, 2014

Meet the Arabic CNN and its high journalistic standards

What you don't realize is that when Western media produce Arabic versions they basically mimic the media standards and criteria from Saudi and Hariri media, from which they recruit their Arabic staff.  This article in CNN Arabic would not pass the test of most Western media.  Look how it begins:  "Syrian opposition [people] citing security sources inside Syria said that Hizbullah..." It does not even matter what comes next because you know this is trashy propaganda of the kind that you read daily in Saudi and Qatari media.  It then continues:  "Syrian national council said in a security report obtained by CNN Arabic".  What is the allegation? It says that Hizbullah is so short of cash that it is selling the body parts of Syrian.  If you search the website over a relatively short period of time you will find articles saying that Hizbullah is awash with cash and other articles that it is short of cash.  Meet the Arabic version of Western media.