Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Nietzsche in Arabic

I posted a quiz on Facebook (in Arabic) yesterday. I challenged readers to cite a classical Arabic poem in which Nietzsche was cited.  No one knew the answer.  The answer is that Farah Antun who was the first to introduce Nietzsche to Arab readers wrote a poem (his only poem to my knowledge) introducing the philosophy of Nietzsche and mentioning him by name.  Felix Faris was the first to translate Thus Spoke Zarathustra into Arabic (from the German) but he failed to mention the pioneering efforts of Antun.  Antun wrote:

"فالوقت وقت إرادة صمّاء تصر ع كل معترض سبيل جهادِ
مات القديم فكفّنوه فما له مابيننا من رجعة ومعادِ
الأرض تحتاج (الإرادة والعزيمة والنشاط) وليس وحي الدين والإرشادِ
هذا كلام نيتش إن نيتش كان مقوّم المعوج والمنآدِ