Tuesday, October 15, 2013

the "gay international" thesis

"Last, and not to rant on for too long, I do not quite understand the jab at Massad. It seems your entire post is designed as a response to his argument, and based on the false premise that working class men like to work out, and that this new bodily fetish makes them hated by other working class people of nebulous and unspecified identity. Working class families living in El Marg, as you should know from your visits to the neighborhood, would not earn much more than 600 EGP per month. In this context, it seems rather unlikely that they would pay sums representing between a 20th to a third of their monthly income, i.e. 25 or 200 EGP, to access the gym for 24 hours! That would be like claiming that a median American making 3000 USD a month would be willing to pay between 150 and 1000 USD for a day pass at the gym. The class-based attack on Massad seems entirely misguided to me, and a pretext for polemic rather than actual analysis of this event, sadly." (thanks Yusuf)