Friday, October 11, 2013

On G4S

I got two responses:
1) from Mohamed: "In response to the post by your reader Stephen in which he claims that Al Akhbar got it wrong on the security company G4S, it should be noted that nowhere in the piece by Al Akhbar does it actually say that the company is Israeli. People seem to fault Al Akhbar for what other Arab outlets might have later inaccurately reported citing either Al Akhbar or other sources. I guess that part of the confusion in some of these news outlets is the use of the term “Zionist” company. In the Al Akhbar piece here, what is stressed is the cooperation between the company and Israeli authorities. These are the actual references to Israel in the article:

“The company G4S works with Israeli authorities in the oppression of the Palestinian people:”
لم يعد سراً على أحد أنّ شركة G4S، التي تُعدّ الأولى عالمياً في الخدمات الأمنية المتشعبة، تعمل مع السلطات الإسرائيليّة في اضطهاد الشعب الفلسطيني.
“British NGO ‘FOA’ says that G4S secures services for Israeli authorities such as prison administration, checkpoints ..”
تقول المنظمة غير الحكومية البريطانية «أصدقاء الأقصى» (FOA) إنّ G4S تؤمّن خدمات للسلطات الإسرائيلية، منها إدارة السجون، الحواجز ونقاط التفتيش
“In a report published by the organization ‘Who Profits’ on the role of the company in human rights violations in Israel”
تقول منظمة «من المستفيد» (Who Profits?) في تقرير نشرته عام 2011 حول دور الشركة في انتهاك حقوق الإنسان في إسرائيل
“Its involvement in activities in Israel”
"انخراطها بنشاطات في إسرائيل

From Fahd: "

"G4S is Danish-British firm, but was doing security services for Israel 2 years ago...

See last 2-3 paragraphs"