"With some 200 Islamic fundamentalists from Germany either on their way to Syria or already there, the war-torn country is currently "by far the most attractive location for jihadists," says a classified report by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) that has been seen by SPIEGEL." "Security authorities estimate that around 1,000 volunteer jihadists from across Europe are now in Syria -- compared to just 250 in late 2012. Around 90 allegedly come from Britain, 120 from Belgium, 50 from Denmark and approximately 150 from Kosovo."
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
NATO's secret army? 1,000 volunteer jihadists from across Europe are now in Syria
"With some 200 Islamic fundamentalists from Germany either on their way to Syria or already there, the war-torn country is currently "by far the most attractive location for jihadists," says a classified report by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) that has been seen by SPIEGEL." "Security authorities estimate that around 1,000 volunteer jihadists from across Europe are now in Syria -- compared to just 250 in late 2012. Around 90 allegedly come from Britain, 120 from Belgium, 50 from Denmark and approximately 150 from Kosovo."