Sunday, October 13, 2013

How Ibn Sina resolved complicated scientific problems

This is from a biography of the greatest mind, Ibn Sina, recorded by his dutiful student (from Ibn Al-Qifti, Tarikh Al-Hukama', edited by Julius Lippert, (Leipzig, 1903), p. 415:  "Whenever I used to perplex over a matter or a middle solution in syllogism eluded me, I would resort to the mosque, to pray and implore the all-creator until the hidden was revealed and the difficult eased.  I would then return home at night and set a lamp before me and engage in reading and writing.  And whenever sleep or fatigue came near overcoming me, I would resort to a glass of wine until my strength was fully restored."

PS Ibn Sina justified his wine drinking by saying that it was religiously prohibited for the fool, but intellectually permitted for the intelligent.