Sunday, October 13, 2013

a tragedy to justifiy tragedies

From Devan (the words are his):  "Not many 'intellectual' arguments bother me more than the attempt to use tragedies to justify other tragedies. That is exactly what the liberal Sam Harris does in this article about Malala Yousufzai. 

Here are just two gems from it:
  • "Until moderate Muslims and secular liberals stop misplacing the blame for this evil, they will remain part of the problem. Yes, our drone strikes in Pakistan kill innocent people—and this undoubtedly creates new enemies for the West. But we wouldn’t need to drop a single bomb on Pakistan, or anywhere else, if a death cult of devout Muslims weren’t making life miserable for millions of innocent people and posing an unacceptable threat of violence to open societies."
  • How is it that this man came to board a school bus with the intention of murdering a 15-year-old girl? Absent ideology, this could have only been the work of a psychotic or a psychopath. Given the requisite beliefs, however, an entire culture will support such evil. Malala is the best thing to come out of the Muslim world in a thousand years."