Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Anne Barnard propagandizes for the Hariri family--typical

"the Future Movement, led by the powerful Sidon-based family of Rafik Hariri, the former prime minister assassinated in 2005, has often condemned the cleric’s sectarian rhetoric and use of arms".  Well, not true.  Some elements of the Hariri movement speaks in general terms against sectarianism, while other elements of the movement (in Tripoli in particular and in Beirut and in the Biqa`) speak explicitly in sectarian language.  And Barnard is wrong--what is new really--the statements of the movement against Asir were really a combination of restraint and respect and Bahiyyah Hariri's son, Ahmad, maintained close ties with the movement.  In fact, it is possible but not yet proven that Hariri family provided funding for the Asir organization.