Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Anis Furayhah and Lebanese nationalism

I don't have time to translate this post on the role of Anis Furayhah in the formation of Lebanese nationalism.

PS Adam kindly translated:  ""Anis Farayhah one of the creators of the Phoenician doctrine and its "scientific promoters.  His book “A Lexicon of names of Lebanese cities and villages” is biased and not-impartial.  For example, for the name “Hirmil”, he rules out an Arabic origin for the word (is contained in Lisan Al-`Arab). He sneaks in the possibility, a mere possibility, that the origin is Grecian (page 114).  However, in his book “A Lexicon of Spoken Dialects”, he is obliged to finally admit that “’amiyyeh” (spoken Arabic) is fundamentally Arabic.  Note: His book “Hear, O Rida!” is enjoyable for children."