Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sectarianism of Yasin Hajj Salih

Somebody sent me what Yasin Hajj Saleh (the ostensibly secular Syrian intellectual) wrote on his Facebook page today (or yesterday):  "(It is not only probably that the policy of alliance between minorities will lead to an alliance with Israel.  It is inevitable, and it is registered in their genes". 
 "ليس احتمالا أن تقود سياسة تحالف الأقليات إلى التحالف مع إسرائيل. هذا محتم، وهو مدوّن في جيناتها".
I mean, what do you say about such sectarian trashy language?  It seems Mr. `Adnan `Ar`ur is now inspiring the secular intellectuals of the "revolution."