Monday, August 06, 2012

Syrian prime minister in Syrian regime media

Akram, Angry Arab correspondent in Syria sent me this:

"Ryiad Hijab, the defected Syrian PM, in the Syrian media:

One day before the defection:

His active field work hasn't changed since he was the secretary of the Ba'ath Party in Deir-Ezzor (his native province) and continued after being appointed as PM. On contrary, his working hours in office and on the ground have doubled (some people called him the Sindibad of Adel Safar cabinet) something that contributed in increasing his popularity and stimulated his ministers and the governors to follow in his footsteps... (Arabic)

Just after the defection:
According to knowledgeable source, the PM had refused to certify the agreements that had been signed with Russia during a visit of a [Syrian] ministerial delegation to Moscow and demonstrated a fierce opposition to any cooperation with Russia especially in oil issues when he refused firmly to export the Syrian oil to Russia... (Arabic)".