When the Syria story started in Western and Arab (read Qatari-funded and Saudi-funded), there were reports everywhere about foreign fighters on the side of the regime. There were fabrications (never ever proven) about Iranian fighters and Hizbullah fighters and Mahdi Army fighters (Mahdi Army? the Lebanese police is more effective than those) fighting on the side of the regime. The Saudi-Qatari propaganda peddled those stories very early on--and Western media merely reproduced them obediently. For the first time, Western media seem to trust the oil and gas Arab media--only when it serves Israeli propaganda it seems. Just as Israeli newspapers peddled stories about Revolutionary Guards fighters in South Lebanon in 2006. Do you remember that early on in the Syria conflict, Saudi and consequently Western media peddled the story that Hizbullah is shelling Zabadani with Katyushas? There are no follow ups to those stories and Western media never to my knowledge devoted one story about the lies and fabrications of the Free Syrian Army, like their story today about the Russian General who was killed by them before appearing before Russian media. And how many planes have the FSA downed thus far? 50? or more? But what now know is that there is EVIDENCE of foreign fighters on the side of the Free Syrian Army: Libyans, Lebanese, Jordanians, Palestinians, Saudis, Algerians, Tunisians, among others. But Western media would also like you to know that while there are CIA men on the ground their only job is purely financial: to screen the recipients of American largesse.