Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Al-Arabiyyah: one of your worst news source

"The editor-in-chief of a Lebanese newspaper considered close to Syria and the Hezbollah movement has admitted to receiving financial “assistance” from the head of Lebanese internal security service, Col. Wissam al-Hassan, who is also close to former Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, in exchange for “balanced” reporting on Lebanon’s internal politics.   In a recent op-ed in Diyar newspaper, Charles Ayoub admitted that “there was an agreement between Col. Wisan al-Hasan and Diyar.”  “Of course Col. al-Hasan represents Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri ... and according to the deal, Diyar would play a balanced role in the internal politics would be a free publication.” Ayoub added that despite that his paper honored its commitment, “Col. Al-Hasan suddenly and without prior notice suspended the assistance and claimed that the financial situation of Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri was difficult.”"  What Al-Arabiyyah (news station of King Fahd's brother-in-law) does not say is that he ALSO admitted receiving financial support from Prince Bandar Bin Sultan.  To be fair to Ayoub: he accepts money from any source.