Monday, August 20, 2012

adventures of Prince Sattam

""A French-Jewish mother in a high-profile custody battle with a Saudi prince has died after falling from a fourth-storey apartment, amid suspicions of foul play.
Police are investigating the death of Candice Cohen-Ahnine, 35, who fell from her Paris apartment on Thursday night.
Investigators had initially seen it as an accident, but by yesterday (Sunday) reports in the French media suggested that Ms Cohen-Ahnine had slipped and fallen to her death "as if she was escaping something dangerous".(...)
Ms Cohen-Ahnine wrote a book describing her fight to "get back" her 11-year-old daughter, Aya, who the mother claimed has been held captive by the girl's father, Prince Sattam al-Saud from the Saudi royal family, since September 2008.
She alleged that when she agreed to visit Prince Sattam with her daughter in 2008, she was locked up in a Riyadh palace, and accused by authorities of being a Muslim who converted to Judaism, a crime punishable by death in Saudi Arabia. When a maid left her door open she was able to escape to the French embassy, and return alone to France.
In January a Paris court ordered Prince Sattam al-Saud to hand over custody of his daughter to her mother and provide child support of euros 10,000 ($11,825) a month. But the prince reportedly dismissed the ruling, and said: "If need be, I'll go like [Osama] bin Laden and hide in the mountains with Aya."" (thanks "Ibn Rushd")