You can easily dismiss the likes of Abdur-Rahman Al-Rashid: people who learned all that they know about journalism at the feet of Saudi princes, literally as Joe Biden would say. Their job is to peddle propaganda on behalf of Saudi princely benefactors. That is what they know about their journalistic mission. This guy spent his career working for Prince Salman and his sons, before being picked by King Fahd's brother-in-law to run the politically sleazy, Al-Arabiyyah news station--one of the worst samples of yellow journalism EVER. He took offense from Sultan Al-Qasimi's critique of the performance of Al-Arabiyyah and Aljazeera and casually accuses him of being influenced by Syrian propaganda (this is a lousy English translation of his Arabic original article). But does Mr. Al-Rashid know the difference between journalism and propaganda if it hit him on the face?