Sunday, May 06, 2012

An-Nahar columnists

Of course, An-Nahar is dying newspaper and is now considered an out-of-fashion newspaper that is only read by the elderly and is only saved by 1) the funding from the Greek Orthdox chruch; 2) Hariri and Saudi funding; 3) ads revenue from right-wing Shuwayri family monopoly.  It is not read by the new generation of Lebanese and none of its columnists (who write with the skill and style of Saddam's speeches) are widely read anymore.  Today, one of its columnists, the unintentionally funny Sarki Na`um (whose articles should be titled Thus Spoke the White Man because he writes long articles on the basis of a conversation he had with an American or a European, and who used to parrot the propagandists for the Syrian regime for years, especially `Abdul-Halim Khaddam) appeared on New TV.  He was talking about Barak Obama and Islam.  He was making the point that Obama understands Islam and said that Obama knows Islam from observing the Islam of his father while growing up.  Of course, Obama's father left the house when Barak was 3 years old, and the father was a Marxist-Leninist.