Sunday, April 08, 2012

Defending the lousy Bassma Kodmani?

I hope this statement that carries Rashid Khalidi's name is not true.   I hope that Rashid did not really sign his name to this pathetic statement in defense of the lousy Bassma Kodmani who revealed in that video a personality so weak and groveling before Zionists that it only reminded me of Anwar Sadat in that humiliating press conference with him and Begin in Isma`iliyyah.  The statement basically defends Bassma Kodmani not against accusations by the lousy Syrian regime, but by critics who watched her pathetic fawning appearance on a French TV show.  The video is there for all to see.  It requires no interpretations or explanations.  The statement talks about her "struggles" for Palestine over the years.  What struggles?  Walking in a demonstration some 30 years ago does not count as struggle and does not justify the later Zionist pronouncements by that person.  And what does the past have to do with anything?  Abu Mazen--a small puppet for the Israeli occupation--used to smuggle explosives for the PLO in the past.  The past does not negate or justify or sanction the present.  The last part of this statement is rather comical: it said that the Institute of Palestine Studies offered her directorship position but that she was too busy with "Arab revolutions".   Ms. Kodmani is managing Arab revolutions and we did not know?  Did we miss something?   How many Arabs know who she is, for potato's sake.  If Basma Kodmani is linked to Arab revolutions, please count me on the side of anti-revolution, please.