Saturday, March 24, 2012

`Abdur-Rahim Murad and I

The other day, I watched this pro-Syrian regime Lebanese politician (a former minister and a prime ministerial aspirant), Abdur-Rahim Murad, on New TV.  He was of course defending the regime and attacking its opponents.  So I wrote on Facebook that he is "the worst" kind of politician in Lebanon and I particularly derided him for mocking the Syrian poor and saying that Syrian protesters engage in protests in return for $50.  But the funny thing about Arab internet and Facebook and Twitter is that people immediately forward any criticisms that one receives or that one directs to the target.  I think they do that because they like a good fight.  So within minutes, Murad sent me this message (I was amused that he thinks I run a newspaper on Facebook and expects me to abide by the laws and rules that apply to Lebanese publications):

Abdelraheem Mourad
قرأت تعليقك اللطيف على صفحتك وتعليقا على ذلك اقول: كان
  • المفروض ان تتاكد من صحة كلامي حول موضوع تجنيد بعض العناصر المناوئة للنظام في سوريا . علما باني استمعت لاحد العناصر السوريين على التلفزيون يقر بذلك . وذلك ليس مستغرب لان اموال قطر تصرف بشكل جنوني وكذلك السلاح . فلما استغرابك . ولن اقول عنك كما قلت عني بانك اسوأ صحافي كما اكدت ذلك بتعليقك السخيف . متمنيا وحسب حق الرد ان تنشر هذا الرد مني على صفحتك المحترمة جدا لاني سمعت الكثير عن جرأتك ."
    (I have read your nice comment [FB status update] on your wall and in response I say: It was necessary that you verify my words about the recruitment some of the anti-regime elements in Syria, knowing that I heard one of the Syrian elements admit that on TV.  And this is not surprising because Qatari money is being dispensed in a crazy way, in addition to arms.  So why your surprise?  I won't say like you said about me that you are the worst journalist as you proved in your silly comment, and wishing according to the rule of the right of response that you post this response on your very respected wall because I heard a lot about your courage).