Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The people want economic uprisings

"For this reason, the coming period is extremely sensitive in countries that experienced revolutions. Today, working class and poor people in Tunis and Egypt find themselves for the first time confronting Muslim Brotherhood governments, draped in the cloth of revolutionary legitimacy. Yet, these governments are, to some extent, products of the dominant classes and fully represent their interests. It may be more difficult now for workers to fight for their rights than when the “Muslim Brothers” were among the opposition. However, they will be spared the mirage of a “religious solution” as they watch the Islamists attempt to distract them with proclamations to uphold their “identity.” They will in fact be trying to divert workers’ attention from the “public interest” that Islamist claims to defend. In reality, these are the “interests of the rich” – those with or without beards."