I really have always liked the Syrian people and appreciated the manners and modes of Syrian culture. I have always maintained that the charm and success of Syrian TV serials is due to the likability and charm of the Syrian people. But when it comes to chants and modes of protest, MacFarquhar has it all wrong. Syrian protests (talking about aesthetics and art here) have disappointed in comparison to Egyptian chants and protests. Of course, pro-regime chants and slogans (in Syria and elsewhere are the worst and they can't even be examined for value). But there has been not one catchy slogan from Syria that one can point out to and that has been circulated widely. Also, who is this historian: " a historian, Elias Khoury, marveled, “From where do all these throats come with such bravery to confront the weaponry?” I think he is talking about Lebanese novelist (and pro-March 14 figure), Elias Khuri.