Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Ghalyun and Shaqfah Council

Comrade Bassam in Jadaliyyah (and he was kind to Ghalyun):  "Moreover, Ghalyoun states above that the SNC is “banking” on the “western powers” to help reclaim the Golan, presumably through international law and diplomacy. Really, Burhan? If a student of yours wrote this in a paper you’d probably get an eye infection reading it. Since when did anyone with an ounce of historical knowledge rely on western powers to respect international law and human rights when it comes to the Middle East, and Israel in particular? When it comes to international law or the United Nations and Israel, the United States behaved like a rogue state for decades, vetoing dozens of UN resolutions against Israel’s international law and human rights violations. Germany is now subsidizing the sale of nuclear-head capable submarines to Israel for nukes that Israel supposedly does not have, while Israel is in constant violation of nearly every important human value possible. You expect these decades-long law- and rights-crushing actors suddenly to help Burhan Ghlioun’s SNC restore the occupied Golan Heights, and, mind you, “as fast as possible?” It's like expecting the Taliban to push a feminist agenda in Tora Bora, or Israel to treat its non-Jewish citizens equally, or Saudi Arabia to enforce freedom from religion."