Thursday, December 08, 2011

Barbara Walters

"Congratulations to brittle newsmatron Barbara Walters on landing a blockbuster exclusive with Syrian madman Bashar Al Assad, who is responsible for the wanton murder of 4,000 of his own men, women, and children. Or as Walters put it, a "mild-mannered ophthalmologist." It's time for her to go.   That's how Walters referred to Assad in her introduction to their interview, portions of which were broadcast this morning on Good Morning America and posted to Yahoo! News. He is a "mild-mannered phthalmologist" who became "dictator by accident" after his father and brother died. One of her questions for Assad was prefaced with this ludicrous bit of praise: "You were widely seen as a fresh pragmatic leader—a doctor whose life was in healing people. Now, sir, much of the world regards you as a dictator and a tyrant. What do you say to that?"" (thanks Ahmet)