Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Iranian assassination plot II

I can't believe that there is no skepticism expressed in the US (and Arabic) press about this alleged Iranian assassination scheme.  So of all the countries in the world where Iran can kill Saudi diplomat, it found that the best place and safest place for Iranian operatives would be Washington, DC.  So they recruited an Iranian-American and told him to manage it himself.  So the dude goes to Mexico and hooks up with a drug dealer and asks him for an assassin.  I mean, do you need to read any further to dismiss this absurd scenario?  Are they really assuming that the public and the world is that dumb?  It seems to me that it reads like the typical FBI infiltration scheme, when they plant someone in a mosque and the guy found the craziest member of the community, and then offers him a wild terrorist plot, and when the guy agrees, a press conference is arranged to announce the uncovering of a most dangerous terrorist plot the world has ever known.  It looks like the DEA agent approached the Iranian-American dude with the plot, and when the guy said OK, the press conference was arranged.