Thursday, October 13, 2011

House of Saud: using the bomb plot to end enmity toward Israel

I have been writing about the Israeli-Saudi alliance for years: some people were skeptical at first although many can now recognize the features of the Israeli-Saudi alliance.  Within hours of the announcement of the news of the Iranian bomb plot in Washington, DC, two influential Saudi propagandists (tools of Saudi princes really) write that Iran, not Israel, is the main enemy of Saudi Arabia.  Count this as another result, nay motive, of the bomb plot.  Turki Sudayri writes that Iran, more than Israel, is the main enemy of Saudi Arabia, while the editor-in-chief, of the mouthpiece of Prince Salman and his sons, Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat, writes that Iran is the "real enemy" of Saudi Arabia and the Arabs (as if House of Saud's princes and their servants speak for the Arab people).  (thanks Ibraheem)