Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Salim Huss on Syria's stance on Palestine

"Former Prime Minister Salim Hoss condemned as a “painful development” Syria’s recognition of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders.  “This [Syrian] position was shocking and unexpected,” Hoss said in a statement Tuesday.  “Syria has always been calling for the liberation of Palestine from Israeli occupation and ambitions. The latest stance, however, shows that [Syria] has given up on a national policy that has spanned several decades," Hoss said.  “This is painful development since it is tantamount to abandonment of a principle position adopted by all Arabs at one point,” he added.  “Why this abandonment of a national principle, and what is the motive behind it?” Hoss asked. “There is no motive except to satisfy international powers that seek to appease Israel.”   He urged Arabs to commit to their position on Palestine “no matter how long” it takes." (thanks "Ibn Rushd")