Friday, June 24, 2011

The Arrogance of Bashshar Al-Asad

What bothers me most about the personality of Bashshar Al-Asad is his arrogance in the face of a real popular protest--notwithstanding the Saudi/Hariri-led conspiracy represented by the sinister Muslim Brotherhood.  He refuses to believe that there are tons of Syrians who detest him and who want to end the rule of his family.  I came to this conclusion: the arrogance of the second generation of Arab potentates is different from that of their parents.  The parents came to power through conspiracies or had to fend off coup d'etats and such while this generation grew up as children of dictators who only saw the sycophants of their father dictator, and as a result were not privy to the views and opinions of average people.  Bashshar is going down while chanting to himself; they love me, they really really love me--echoing that awful lines by Sally Field after winning undeserved academy awards.