Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Political paralysis in Lebanon

I don't have time to elaborate but the political crisis in Lebanon is more than partly due to the revelations of Wikileaks in Al-Akhbar: the revelations basically exposed the back stabbing between the different factions and ignited deep distrust between even allies.  This will basically produce political paralysis and ineffectiveness that will characterize the career of the present-day political class in Lebanon.

PS One of the most damaged people from Wikileaks, is the fool who serves as Lebanon's Minister of Defense, Ilyas Murr.  He was so bruised by the scandal and his political career is most likely finished (although in the sectarian system of Lebanon you can never say never), that he went out to produce his own paper.  He went to Europe and reportedly paid money to get some Wikileaks to embarrass some March 8 figures (mostly `Awnis thus far) to get back at them.  But his paper is unreadable: how can you read a paper that features political analysis by...Ilyas Murr, for potato's sake.