Sunday, January 02, 2011

Dumb analysis of Saudi Arabia in New York Times

"But generally speaking, all Saudi politics is local — just as it is in the United States. Public debates focus on domestic concerns, not international issues; most Saudis have more to worry about than diplomatic scandals. As Mahmood Sabbagh, a popular newspaper columnist, told me, “People were more joking than concerned about them.”"  Yes, this is the view of House of Saud propagandists.  They want the world to think that they did not care when in reality, the Wikileaks were most explosive in Arab underground media and internet, especially in Saudi Arabia.  In fact, you can realize the extent to which Saudi government was embarrassed by the sudden discovery by House of Saud of the suffering of the people in Gaza.  This writer clearly is serving the House of Saud agenda.  But: who are you fooling?  In fact, read the editorial about the US in the mouthpiece of Prince Salman by its own editor-in-chief.  This former fan of Bush suddenly lashes out at US wars and at Bush because of the Wikileak revelation.