Monday, March 15, 2010

New TV, Walid Jumblat,

So Rami Al-Amin (a TV reporter for New TV) was interviewing Walid Jumblat for New TV yesterday. He was asking him about various things and suddenly he asked him if he reads Waddah Shararah: he said, yes sometimes. He asked him if he reads Hazim Saghiyyah (a conservative writer for Al-Hayat--the mouthpiece of Prince Khalid Bin Sultan), and Jumblat said: yes, I like his `abathiyyah (nihilism). So the reporter said: I like him too. He vents out for me, especially when he criticized As`ad AbuKhalil. The clip was cut off right at that second so we could not hear the reaction of Jumblat, or his wife sitting next to him. I was amused but my sister, Mirvat, was not amused at all.