Monday, February 08, 2010

The most dubious of honors: or the least honorable mention ever

What do you do when you are mentioned in the blog of the worst writer on the Middle East in the entire world? I mean, that. You need to research this website and see what I have written about this man: Jeffrey Goldberg, who proudly served in the Israeli occupation forces. The man was an occupation jailer of the inhabitants and owners of the land of Palestine. I have mocked the writings of this man for years: because you can't take seriously what he writes. This is a man who traveled to the Middle East in the wake of Sept. 11 to talk to "Muslims." He was peddling the theory that Muslims engage in suicide bombings because they seek sex in the hereafter. I still remember the lousy article that he wrote for the New Yorker in which Islamist lawyer, Muntasir Az-Zayyat, had to shock Goldberg by telling him to his face: well, you know that Muslims do engage in sex here on earth (or words to that effect). It was clear that Goldberg had no clue and no idea. He was shocked to discover that Muslims have sex on earth. It just never occurred to him. You can take the good book on suicide bombings by Robert Pape, Dying to Win, as a documented to rebuttal to the dumb Israeli-peddled theories on the subject. Goldberg today said this: "He bases this on complaints from, among others, something called "The Angry Arab News Service." Hoyt writes: "Web sites like the Angry Arab News Service have called him a propagandist for Israel." Did it strike Hoyt that perhaps a web site called "The Angry Arab News Service" might be engaged in the dissemination of, you know, propaganda? " There is an old Arabic saying by `Ali Bin Abi Talib in Nahju Al-Balaghah which says: I have never argued with a reasonable man and did not defeat him, but I never argued with an ignorant man who did not defeat me. So I would in no way argue with somebody whose Middle East training amounts to training in the Israeli occupation army. As for the charge of zealotry: I stand guilty. I am a zealot when it comes to secularism, women's right, reason, the belief in sciences and not quackery, the belief in the abolishment of capitalism and the end of poverty, the principled opposition to Zionism in all its deadly forms (paper forms or land forms), the belief in the goal of liberating all of Palestine and the return of all Palestinian refugees to their homes, the belief in socialism and in anarchist critiques of the state--the state in itself. On all those principles I am a zealot--proudly. With somebody who volunteered in an occupation army and who served as a jailer for the natives of the land, there should be no arguments. Trials would be in order, not arguments. (thanks Olivia)