Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Racism and Australian Injustice

"Aboriginal young people are more likely to be arrested, charged and placed before the courts than non-Aboriginal young people detained for similar offences and with similar prior records. For example, research in NSW in the early 1990s found that if two girls, both without prior records, were detained for shoplifting by police, then the non-Aboriginal girl was more than twice as likely to receive a caution from the police officer. For the non-Aboriginal girl, the matter ended there. The Aboriginal girl was more likely to be arrested, transported to the police station, bailed to appear in court, convicted, possibly fined or placed on an order, and left with a criminal record. Research published this year has made similar findings in relation to disparities in the treatment of Aboriginal young people in other states including Western Australia and South Australia. These are also states, along with the Northern Territory, with high rates of incarceration of Aboriginal young people." (thanks Ali)