Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I knew that this was coming: Yemeni conspiracy scenarios

After accusing the Hawth movement of links with Iran, the Yemeni government today accused them of links with Al-Qa`idah. Today, a Yemeni government propagandist was hosted on Al-Arabiyya TV (the private TV station of King Fahd's borther-in-law). He said that the Hawthi movement is linked to Al-Qa`idah, AND linked to the Southern movement. The host politely reminded him that the Southern activists are former communists, and thus could not be aligned with Al-Qa`idah. But he went on, unheeded. Tomorrow, I expect that they will accuse them of links with Castro. Why do I get the feeling that `Ali `Abdullah Salih is losing control? And when Yemen fragments, it will not be into South Yemen and North Yemen: it will be three Yemens: one in the center, and a Zaydi entity in the North, and a southern entity.