Sunday, January 11, 2009

Don't let them fool you

Some Zionists try to make the issue about the fundamentalist ideology of Hamas (although the Wahhabi fundamentalist ideology of the House of Saud does not seem to bother them one bit), but you need to know that the Marxist Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine both are participating in resisting Israeli aggression in Gaza. Kata'ib Abu `Ali Mustafa today claimed responsibility for missiles aimed at military bases in Israel (and I am sure that it regretted any civilian causalties on the other side. As "Condy" Rice explained, it will be hard for Israelis (and Arabs?) to protect civlians on the other side.)

PS You may have noticed a very large number of mistakes and typos in my posts as of late--more than usual I should say. Don't blame me--blame Zionism.