Saturday, September 06, 2008

"But the label "honor killings" can be misleading in this tiny kingdom's male-dominated society of about six million people. Judges, lawyers, activists and experts agree that in most cases men exploit lenient laws and social misconceptions about women to murder them for inheritance, settling family feuds or to hide other crimes." But then look at this sentence in the same article: "Maha is one of hundreds, if not thousands, of women in Jordan and other conservative societies who rights groups say are killed every year by their male relatives..." First, the number in Jordan itself is around 10-15 per year from what I know: but the article wanted to use the shock value so they increase the figure to hundreds and thousands by simply adding "other conservative societies" because the figure of 10-15 per year is not sexy enough for the horrified Western reader. Secondly, why add "conservative societies"? Where does that put the U.S. which has higher rates of murder of women by male relatives of "companions"? But then again: this is typical: murder or terrorism when committed by Muslims is always more sexy and newsworthy than same kind of violence and terrorism when committed by non-Muslims. (thanks Ali)