Thursday, May 01, 2008

One of the sleaziest, unprincipled, and most corrupt Palestinian leader is Bassam Abu Sharif. This is a man who was hated in every organization that he joined. He was detested in the PFLP, and then he was detested in the ranks of the Fath movement when he became one of 10,000 advisers of Yaser Arafat. The late Edward Said once told me that when Arafat threw his lot with Saddam Husayn after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Abu Sharif would call Said and assure him that Saddam had secrets weapons that would surprise the world and defeat Israel and the US. This is the real Abu Sharif. Now living in oblivion in Jordan trusted by nobody, he has a book on Arafat. Look at the account he gives of Black September in which he takes the side the of the Jordanian massacring regime.