I know that many of you would like to keep up with the pearls of wisdom from the mouth of Mr. Muftititi of Saudi Arabia (above). So `Abdul-`Aziz bin `Abdullah Al-Ash-Shaykh warned from "some of the satellite stations that are directed against this country and its leadership, security, [religious] doctrine, and society and which call through its screens for that what splits the ranks of the nation as they care to doubt the ummah with its leadership and society. He also said in this
interview with Al-Madinah that the stations are "based on lies and falsehood and that it [here he seems to be talking about one station in particular] claims to be beased on the foundations of freedom while it is a liar." He pointed out that God has "descended on these stations utter failure as no reasonable person listen to them." But who is listening to you, o smiling Mufti?