Monday, July 09, 2007

"Israel's response to descriptions of Palestinian life appearing in the Western press is well known and well orchestrated. A network of correspondents is activated to discredit the offending writer and publication. For example, when my article appeared in The New York Review, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) sent a summary of the essay, together with tendentious rebuttals, to its "e-mail team," asking them to write to the editors and publishers of the Review to "repudiate the erroneous and biased account of Palestinian medical care." This call to action was sent out as a "CAMERA Alert." Steven Stotsky, a research analyst for CAMERA, asked correspondents to blind-copy their replies to the committee. A flurry of similarly worded e-mails then arrived at the New York offices of the Review." (thanks Mohammad)